Monday, April 13, 2015

Playing with CSS Day -008

The previous day I gave words to come back the next day with more interesting things. So, here we go. Well, what CSS can do to beautify a webpage/site? The answer is simple "what can't?" Today I have learned to give some life in tables, unordered list as well as styling more than one elements and DIV,SPAN tags. Lets commence with tables...

So, what are the common table elements? 

In CSS you can play with table elements and customize it like anyway you desire to!Simply in Style element and inside the curly brackets { } you can change the background color,font-weight,tr/td color and lot more.For example

td {
     border: 2px solid red;

Beautifying the unordered list is quite amusing. Always the same bullet is boredom huh? We can add custom designs,images instead of bullets by simply coding in CSS.For example:

ui {

 CSS allows you to put the same styles on many different elements without repeating the styles in your style sheet. This means that your style sheet will be smaller and load faster.You can separate multiple elements in the style property by commas.Foe example:

p, h2 { color: blue; }

Span represents an inline portion of a document, for example words within a sentence.A <span> element used to color a part of a text.And on the contrary <div> element is similar.But it has significant differences.The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document.Also represents a block-level portion of a document such as a few paragraphs, or an image with its caption.

Adding up more I have assimilated the <img> element!There are quite a few thing to look out for in img element.Such as "alt" "src" "title".And the things to look out for is <figure> and <figcaption>
A <figure> element is used to mark up a photo in a document and the <figcaption> tag defines a caption for a <figure> element.

So,that was all for today.
Signing out,


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